Sample projects, background & results
Process optimization and reduction of inventory value of cold chain products
Initial situation: A production site that manufactured products requiring to remain within the cold chain worked with an external cold storage facility. This meant that refrigerated products were transported back and forth between the site and the warehouse, in particular between the different stages of the value chain. This resulted in long lead times, higher inventory values and a higher risk to the quality of the products.
Approach: As the problem was not immediately obvious to everyone, I began to promote the idea that significant savings could be achieved in terms of both throughput time and inventory values through improved processes and closer proximity. I then launched a project that included a complete value stream analysis, starting with incoming goods through to the global distribution of finished products. The project team brought together representatives from the production plants involved, quality assurance and the global planning functions.
Results: Based on the results of the value stream analysis and the proposed process improvements, the project team compiled a very convincing business case for the construction of a new refrigerated goods warehouse. This refrigerated warehouse was subsequently built and is in operation today. In addition, the project led to a better understanding of the overall process and improved cooperation between employees in the various organizational units.
Development and introduction of a project portfolio management process
Initial situation: A new head has been appointed to the "Strategy and Organizational Development" department. The organization regularly struggles with too many ongoing projects and poorly coordinated priorities. In addition, key employees are simultaneously involved in too many projects.
Approach: The first thing I did was to set up a new portfolio process and provide best-practice guidelines for managing projects. Training materials were developed and all employees involved were trained in the new processes. The next step was to ensure that all projects were now set up and implemented based on the new processes and included in the portfolio. This newly revised project portfolio could now be regularly reviewed with the management team. Priorities were set based on the site strategy.
Results: The new process strengthened awareness of how the portfolio is managed and how it contributes to the implementation of the strategy. The regular review led to full transparency and the number of projects was reduced by a third within two years. Thanks to the improved resource allocation, greater efficiency was also achieved within the projects and day-to-day business.
Leading the construction & commissioning of a new pharmaceutical production plant
Initial situation: Project management for the construction and commissioning of a new API production plant (chemical & biological process steps); the project had run behind schedule and over budget.
Approach: Complete revision of the project brief & project plan; reorganization of the project team; stringent project management, regular team meetings, coordination and transparent communication with all stakeholders.
Results: Project back on track; production facility completed; full completion of IQ (installation qualification) and 80% completion of OQ (operational qualification); successful handover to the production department.
Restoring FDA compliance for a production site
Initial situation: One production site had a very difficult FDA inspection, which ended with an extensive 483 report and almost resulted in a warning letter. The site was also placed on an accelerated inspection schedule. The site was slated for closure and was operating at near capacity, however, a large percentage of the workforce was on temporary contracts.
Approach: I started by setting up a structured overall project. Activities that had already been started were integrated into this project. I paid particular attention to good prioritization and realistic sequencing of the various work packages in order to make the best possible use of scarce resources and to minimize the risks for the next inspection.
Results: My rigorous project leadership resulted in an overall project plan that made the activities and the critical path transparent for everyone and enabled these activities to be coordinated with the day-to-day business. I regularly informed the steering committee about progress, milestones achieved and any conflicts or risks identified, for which I proposed and implemented appropriate measures. The site then passed the next FDA inspection and all the points that had previously been objected to were resolved. As a result, the project team was recognized for its achievements within the division.
Stabilizing production planning and introducing Product Wheel
Initial situation: A production site for electronic components. The current market demand could not be supplied by the existing capacity and an allocation was necessary. Highly complex manufacturing processes with increasingly diverse and circular product flows. Production planning was at its limit and actually only focused on crisis management.
Approach: The assignment was to design and implement a new preliminary production plan that takes into account the increasing product complexity. First, I analyzed production and planning in order to understand processes, complexity and disruptive factors. The next step was to simplify and stabilize the processes, e.g. by introducing a frozen horizon for planning and separating large and small orders on different production lines. The next step was to create a long-term structure and define stable processes - in particular through a planning hierarchy and the introduction of a product wheel (regular planning rhythm and sequence).
Results: The project led to a stabilization of planning and, in particular, a strengthening of the planning department, which now had the right tools at its disposal. An initial pilot of the Product Wheel was successfully carried out, evaluated and the further implementation plan was based on this. The feedback from the departments involved was positive, with particular emphasis on the reliable sequence of production orders without the previously known deviations.